7 kutsikas: 5 isast ja 2 emast.
Vabad veel 2 isast kutsikat
7 puppies: 5 males and 2 females.
2 males are still looking for their owners.
Photos of the puppies in Facebook album
World Winner 2017 CIB Baltic LV LT EE FI VDH BLR PL CH EEJCH TLNWCup W'16'17'18 EST W'18'21 BLRW'17 DEU W'17 TLN W'18'21 PL W'21
Echo de'Chien Estella "Stella"
(Echo de'Chien Conrad & Echo de'Chien Bellatrix)
HD: A/A ED: 0/0 PL:0/0 OCD free, eyes: clear (few extra eyelashes).
RACP character test: passed
2 x Best of Opposite sex (best female) in Pyrenean Mountain Dog Specialty show.
FI CH He W'21'22 FI W'21'22
Chenespace Leader of the Pack "Panda"
(Piarroye du Mas de Beauvoisin x Chenespace Champagne Please)
HD; C/B ED:0/0 PL:0/0 OCD free, eyes: clear.
Several group and BIS wins. Most winning PMD in Finland.
Photos from Chenespace collection.